My Looney Bun Is Fine
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hello people.
Yes, I'll just like to set some rules and regulations for this blog. As in, I know we all like our freedom of speech and expression, and in this epic struggle between the forces of good and the forces of the father and the son, we must show restraint.
Just like to maybe set that we don't have too scandalous things on this blog ok? And no, this is not my cover cah cheng method, because I'm open and scandal-free.
Lets keep this blog to stuff like perpetual nonsense, not so blatant attacks on gahmen, dance photos, sleeping photos, unglam photos of me (glam ones are welcomed, but hard to come by), class outings, and Indian dance videos like this
My looney bun is fine benny lava.
The Puey
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I Like to Move It
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Enough of those sleeping photos! Lets bring on the moves people. Let our dance IC Cephas lead you in his 'Pass Your Chem' Dance.Step 1: The Squat
Step 2: The 'Yes I'm listening but I don't understand' move.
Step 3: The 'Hmm... What do I get when I put HCl into Boiling water and spam sodium before I get caught' move.
Its not as easy as you might think. It requires the smoothness of a group 1 metal with the versatility of a blue copper (II) ion. Get your electrons moving people!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Some more SLEEP photos.
Half the class sleeping. Our class quite small huh lol. No lah the rest were having Chem SPA.
Puen - Dunno what she dreaming until she's smiling
Close-up. He enjoys smelling his own armpit.
Okay I try not to bore/irritate you all next time. My next post here will probably be on something else *hint*
Saturday, May 10, 2008
hey people,
sorry this took so uber long to get posted up here!the photos are in random order and i didn't upload all cause there were too many of them,all you closet camwhores!haha.
sorry if there are unglam photos of you there!random shots!and you can blame them on poline who kidnapped the camera to take random shots.hahah.